You Know You're a Law Student When......

You consider dropping out of law school approximately every hour, but after that first semester you realized you were already in too much debt to be anything other than a lawyer.

You can name without hesitation at least three people who make you want to throw things when you see them raise their hands in class.

You think IRAC and CREAC are just code for saying the same thing over and over.

You are truly and deeply unnerved by the thought of some of your classmates becoming solicitors or advocates.

Sometimes during disagreements you are tempted to 12(6)(b) the offending friend or family member.

You can't remember if you decided to come to law school because you wanted to help people and make a difference in the world or because you hate yourself.

You can't think of any legitimate reason why a law student would need access to certain public records, but you can think of a whole lot of illegitimate ones.

After the first semester you realized that "briefing a case" need only consist of looking it up on Lexis or Westlaw.

You're ready to strangle the next friend or relative to say jokingly "good thing you're studying law I may need your help one day"

When someone is expressing their frustration or anger about something that is in any way related to the law, you can't be sympathetic because you're too busy figuring out in your head if they have a cause of action.

You hear about the death of an elderly friend or relative and wonder if they died intestate..

You're pretty sure the reasonable man is a friendless tool who still lives with his mother..

You think Mrs Donoghue should have swallowed the f*****g snail and saved us all the headache!

You never answer a question without saying "well, that depends on the specific facts of the case..."

You say "expressly" instead of "explicitly"...

You have considered naming your future children A, B and C to simplify conveyances of property...

You are tempted to kill the next person who asks you what area of law you plan to focus on...

You've argued over a semicolon...

You have been asked for legal advice by people who foolishly assume that subjects stay in your head after the invigilator collects your exam paper

You refer to well-known judges as if they were old friends

You have experienced uncontrollable waves of anger at people relaxing in the sunshine

You have passed all of your previous exams but still believe that "this time, I'm definitely f****d"

You have considered changing career paths to hot dog vendor, stilt walker, or career alcoholic

You realise that human rights were only invented to piss off 1st year students who really couldn't care less about some convict who didn't like to s**t in a bucket

You come to hate it when people start referring to cases in general conversation

You find that 50% of medics treat you worse than something on the sole of their shoes

The drama in your life now rivals that of high school.

You make adverse possession jokes.

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